You can also click on the pack and select 'Show Contents' to see how many cigarettes are in the pack. The sim will walk over, grab a cigarette, and start smoking. In live mode, click on the pack and select 'Have Smoke'. To use, in Buy mode go to Misc Decorations and purchase a pack of cigarettes for 6 simoleons, and place it on a surface(NOT the floor/ground). This mod gives sims the ability smoke cigarettes to your game. SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Smoking Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema, And May Complicate Pregnancy. ***Updated 7-8-12 Fixed moodlets not showing. ***Updated 7-12-12 Fixed sims not being able to smoke from the same pack at the same time, and adjusted the chance of getting a smoking habit. ***Updated 7-13-12 Fix for localization(translations)